Thursday, April 24, 2008

Dart League

We had our first match last night and we had a BLAST!!!!

Unfortunately, we started about 30 mins late and although the games went fast...we couldn't finish them quickly. Doubling out is HARD for me. Apparently it's difficult for the other players on my team and the team we were playing against.

I didn't get home until 1am, which isn't bad, except I had been up since 4:20am. Ugh. Needless to say I'm a tired tired girl today.

We will play every Wednesday for 10 weeks. Six weeks at our "home" bar and 4 weeks 3 different away bars. The group seems like a LOT of fun and I'm looking forward to playing. This is a super super cheap alternative to bowling, which I really miss, but don't have the money for right now.

I'll be practicing my throws, that's for sure. :-) Unlike bowling, I can at least practice darts at home!!!

Smiles, lulu

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