Friday, May 16, 2008

Charlotte - Lowe's Motor Speedway - All-Star Race!

Sonia and Marla left at 7am and made it to Gastonia, NC at 10am. They have already checked in to the hotel, gotten their credentials and are now on their way to check out the various (race) museums and shops. Sonia is convinced that is Dale Earnhardt Jr sees her, he will instantly fall in love and marry her on the spot. Of course, we need to talk to Sonia's husband about that...

Robin will be at my office as soon as she gets out of work. We are hoping to be on the road by 430.

I have Diet Cokes (for Robin), water (for me), Blo-pops and Tootsie pops and of course, M&Ms for the actual race. Too bad the person driving the M&Ms car is a putz. (speaking of which - read the article linked - written by someone very close to me).

I will try to have some photos up next week some time of our trip.

Hope you have a great weekend, too!

Smiles, lulu

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