Thursday, August 7, 2008

12 more days

12 days until surgery. I'm anxious for it.

I've had ups and downs. I had bleeding so bad for a while again, that I thought I could be hemorrhaging. I had pain bad enough one day that I stayed home from work. It's just a day by day thing. Some days are good some are bad.

I'm still hoping for a LAVH, but I guess I'll know more on Tuesday at my pre-op appointment. Of course we won't know anything for sure until I'm actually in surgery. *sigh*

I'm very tired all the time. I'm taking iron pills and B12 and am still dragging most days. Can't imagine how bad it would be if I didn't have the supplements.

I know I'm not the only one who has gone through this and thanks to I'm able to see that in writing. The experience of other women has helped me cope quite a bit better.

12 more days. :-)

Smiles, lulu

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